Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How Soon We Forget!

In the editorial, Clinton in the Congo, the author, Kelly Dewitt, talks about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s recent trip to the Congo. At one point DeWitt makes the statement that “I was never a Hillary fan. But, her appointment to U.S. Secretary of State has pulled me off the fence and a little closer to the Hillary side.” Well, like DeWitt, I was never a fan of Hillary Clinton’s either… and I am still not! Wasn’t she tasked with “fixing” healthcare when her husband was President of the United States?

How soon we forget.

As for her encouraging university students in the Congo to protest against the violence of their country’s rebel forces as well as their country’s own military for crimes committed against their own people could cause repercussions that could make Tiananmen Square look like a school yard spat. I hope she does not have to wish that she had not said the things she did. But like most politicians, it is my opinion that she has the ability to let guilt for anything she might have done roll off her back like water off a duck.

Yes, the violence against innocent people in the Congo is tragic. Yes it would be nice if the United States could solve all of the world’s problems, but we cannot. We are currently involved in a fight with Islamist extremist that was forced upon us. As a result our economy is suffering and as a consequence of our economy suffering so goes the economies of most of the rest of the world.

How soon we forget.

Secretary of State Clinton’s statement that the situation in the Congo is “truly one of mankind’s greatest atrocities.”???

How soon we forget!

It is sad that even our learned Senator, Candidate for President of the United States, and Secretary of State did not learn her history. How dare she compare the plight of the people of the Congo to the Holocaust victims of World War II, or the victims of Japanese brutality inflicted upon the people of China, Korea, The Philippine Islands, and her countrymen who fought to defend the way of life she now enjoys.

If more of our country’s leaders, and voters, were students of history maybe we would not be in the mess we are now in. I challenge anyone reading this to try and find out what commodity was the source for the disagreements between nations that lead to World War II!

How soon we forget!!!


All-American Longhorn said...

I may be a very conservative person a lean very far to the right, but I helped Hillary Clinton campaign during the presidency with more class than the other candidate and I am proud to say that I helped. She may have lost the primary, but Hillary Clinton is a very extraordinary individual and deserves the respect of everyone for things that she has accomplished. Yes, how soon people do forget this.

During the time in which she tried to ‘fix’ healthcare, she was just the First Lady of the U.S. In 1993, the Clinton administration presented a healthcare reform package that Hillary had much to do with. She did not try to fix anything about healthcare. Hillary was trying to get the topic to be discussed among the government officials based off a promise that her husband made about healthcare during his campaign for president in 1992. She was not trying to fix anything, but more living up to a promise that her husband stated to the public which is more than you can say about the current president or first lady.

It is cold to say that she lets things such as violence in the Congo slides right off her back without any affect. When I first met her, she spoke to me about stories she had remembered being told by different people. She spoke with such passion about wanting to help these people and how privileged she was to meet and know the stories of every individual willing to tell it to her. She was not speaking to a mass amount of people; only to me which made me see her true character. When it comes to comments on the Congo, it is more than fair to say that she believes in every word she says. I will agree with you, though, that most politicians could not care less about a majority of what they say does affect them.

I think that her comments that this is one of the greatest atrocities currently are misinterpreted. Yes, the Holocaust and the lives lost in WWII were bad, but we are in a different time right now. Issues that are going on in the Congo should not be happening in the world today. There are more world powers than just the United States and it is huge shame that we should be the only ones astonished by the violence to the people of that region.

The people leading our country are some of the most well versed people about our history than a majority of people in the U.S. which is why they lead and not us. While some should not lead, they all try to do their best with what they know. I am not sure that any sort of commodity is reason for the sympathy of the Congo. I do not really believe that people remember how powerful and smart Hillary is. She is the most valuable part of our current administration. How soon we forget that.

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